Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning


Cooper is checkin' out his new toys!
WOW! Look at my tent!

Sarge is allowed in my tent! ... no one else ... for now! Everything is MINE, MINE, MINE!

Hey, pay attention to me!

Let's ride this horsey!


Hi DaDa!

Live chat with DaDa!

Coop just needed a good laugh from his GiGi!

It has already been 3 hrs and we are only halfway through opening all the presents! Cooper is just stealing everyone else's presents!


Popeye better not try to brainwash Cooper!

Back to the tent!
If you are wondering what is catching Cooper's attention ... Uncle Bill is opening his golf clubs! I tried to warn everyone that it is not a good idea and they need to wait 'til Cooper takes a nap!

Cooper had his eye on these golf clubs from the moment he saw them! MINE MINE MINE! Bill gave him one to play with, that is until Cooper was swinging it and chasing the dogs and about to take down everything in sight! Then the tantrum came when we had to take away the weapon!

Cooper was back to being in a great mood after his nap time. Here is a pic of DeDe and Cooper just before we walked out the door to take Coop to stay with Mum and apaP's.
Mama and Cooper on Christmas night ... oh and baby Kinsley (aka "Kiki") in the belly

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Cooper is sleeping with his Christmas friends!

Puppy love!


Look what Santa brought Coop!

Family presents!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cooper's 2nd Birthday

Today, we decided to take the kiddos to Chuck E. Cheese's to celebrate Cooper and Riley's 2nd birthday. Riley is only 3 days older than Cooper!

Mama and Cooper

Drivin' the tractor


Popeye is helping Cooper play the games!

Cooper and Riley ridin' the rides together.

(L to R) Cooper, Mama, Lauren and Riley ... chowin' down on pizza

(L to R) Carson, Brittany, Mama and Cooper

What an arm!

The ball didn't quite make it so Coop did what needed to be done! ... cheat!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Riley was great at blowing out her candle, but Cooper just decide that he wanted the fire ... thus he grabbed the candle!

Cooper gave Riley a babydoll for her birthday! He didn't want her to be the only one without lots of presents, especially since they drove 4 hrs to come celebrate with him!

Penguin puppet from Nana

A shaving kit just like DaDa's!

Cooper and Nana
Mama, Cooper, Carson and Brit ... Carson was ready to be friends but Cooper was a little more stand-off-ish!

The whole fam ... except Paul :( (deployed)

I guess you can see that the party was a success and quite exhausting!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 2009

Coop is ready to go to MiMi's, but he is waiting on my mom and I to get our sh-- together and head out the door!

So, he decided to sit down and wait ... tellin' Santa (aka Ho Ho) all of his woes.

Gaga couldn't resist the photo op!

After the long work week, Popeye loves to sit and read the paper to Cooper on the weekends... but only about SPORTS!

Ignore the headline on the paper ... I made sure there was no brainwashing going on, my dad was just explaining football!

Cooper is in the hiding phase ... shhhh ... he thinks we can't see him! hmmmm!

Cooper loves to help and watch Popeye shave.

Popeye, what are we looking at?