Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What a week

So...this week is sooooo not my week, nor Cooper's. Monday, I fell while holding Cooper. Of course, he is okay, but only because I did not exactly fall gracefully and took the brunt of the fall to ensure that he does not go crashing into the wall. Then today, the scariest of all happened. I gave Cooper his bottle while he was leaning back in his high chair, as he always does, and I went to grab the phone and before I knew it, Cooper had thrown his bottle and decided to climb on top of his high chair and dive to the floor...the tile floor. I ran like an Olympic sprinter and grabbed him. Of course, he was SCREAMING and I tried to calm him down, but he was almost inconsolable at that point. I was going to take him to the ER, but the military nurse on the phone talked me through checking him out. No blood. Very alert. She said she thinks he is okay and I am just suppose to monitor him closely. I thought I was going to die when I saw him on the floor. Bless his little heart. Within about 4 hours, he was back to his giggly little self! :) Thank God.

1 comment:

GaGa and Popeye said...

He was just trying to get that bottle back! Just one of many bumps and bruises...Love and miss you all!