Thursday, April 15, 2010


I did not sleep much last night, as I was anticipating today's surgery and the arrival of little Kinsley. I got up bright and early and started to finish up some last minute things at work and to get ready for our hospital stay. We left promptly at 8:15am and headed over to the hospital to be checked in by 8:30am. My surgery was scheduled for 10:30am, and boy did those 2 hours fly by! Paul and I sat in the hospital room and made a bunch of small talk while they prepped me for surgery. I was nervous and could have cared less what was on tv, but the tv seemed to preoccupy Paul. Once all the nurses cleared out of my room and it was getting closer to go-time, I started crying. I am not even sure why, but the tears started rolling! When they came to get me it was such a sureal moment knowling that Kinsley would be in my arms in a matter of minutes. I went into the delivery room and they gave me my spinal tap and strapped me to the table like Jesus on the cross. My teeth were chattering and I was shaking from the nerves and anxiety. They don't allow the husband's in the delivery room during the prepping, so Paul stayed behind and paced around the room, anxiously waiting for the nurses to come get him. Just before they were ready to cut, they brought Paul in and he sat near my head and talked to me the entire time. This surgery went much smoother than the one I had with Cooper. Once she was out and I heard her screaming, the tears started yet again! They handed her off to Paul and he laid her near me so I could kiss her and then he laid her next to my stretched out hand so that I could stroke her precious little face. It was not soon after that, that they wisked her away and Paul followed to make sure she was taken care of! Daddy's little girl already! I mean I just had major surgery and was still cut open, but screw me ... LOL! They finished up my surgery and I reunited with Paul in the recovery room about an hour later.

Kinsley Elizabeth Cameron was born today, April 15, 2010, at 11:12am. She wighed in at 7lbs 1oz and 20in long.

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