Sunday, July 5, 2009


Well, the whole gang went over to Amanda and John's house to celebrate the 4th of July. We had lots of great food and had a blast just hanging out and sharing laughs with great friends.

Full house!
Ben, Erin and baby boy Rick (Erin is due in October)

Nick and Laura Philbrick (Laura is one of the gals that works for FramesDirect also)

Lauren and Riley Purcell (Jason had to leave the pary early b/c their dogs got our of their back yard, so he went to get them, but he returned later in the just ain't a pary with Purshmelly)

Kyle and Finn Williams

Cooper and Daddy - Coop is refusing to even try the watermelon....hmm wonder where he gets that stubborness from?

Kyle and Izzy Williams (Yep, they have 2 little ones - twins - 9mos old)

Jen and Finn Williams (Doesn't she look great after having twins?)

Angela and Savannah Hunter (Jasen is deployed right now, but HAPPY 4TH JAS!)

Oh lord, let the love quarls begin! Oh and yes Riley does have clothes! She was in a super cute 4th of July dress earlier, but she decided she wanted to take a dip in the baby pool and then from there on out, she was sportin' the bikini...showing off her baby body for Coop! LOL!

Gotta have ice cream on the 4th!
Coop also got a fake red, white and blue star tattoo! What a little rockstar!

Go Finn go! Finn is workin' on his crawling technique, but got a little side tracked by the bright yellow ball!

Awwww...Maddie-moo loves her Dr. Seuss! She sat there cuddling with him for at least half an hour. Why can't Coop sit still like that? Even when he was only a few months old he was flopping around like a fish!

Riley sees Coop! Priceless smile!

Well, that didn't last long. She loved him until he sat in her chair! He was saying "No No" and waving his finger at her. All the while, she is trying to drag him out of her chair.

Riley says, "Oh no you didn't!"
Coop was showing everyone how he can do pull-ups! He is so strong! Riley was up next...

Amanda thought, "If these 18mos olds can do this, I should be able to, right?" John was in deep concentration. He was focused. This was serious business. LOL!

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